Need help starting up your brand? Do you have a brand that needs a boost? Our packages include social media branding to uplift your visibility. Need help starting up your brand? Do you have a brand that needs a boost? Our packages include social media branding to uplift your visibility. Expand your business online With the help of your own website, your clients can reach you in a much easier fashion. Utilize your website as a tool for better business! Expand your business online With the help of your own website, your clients can reach you in a much easier fashion. Utilize your website as a tool for better business! Build your online shop You deserve the chance to build your business and expand it to the world of the web. With the growing popularity of online shopping, take advantage of our Shopper Package to shape your business the right way! Build your online shop You deserve the chance to build your business and expand it to the world of the web. With the growing popularity of online shopping, take advantage of our Shopper Package to shape your business the right way! Grow your clientele In need of help growing your clientele and staying on top of your business? Have a look at our different packages and choose the one that best fits your business. Grow your clientele In need of help growing your clientele and staying on top of your business? Have a look at our different packages and choose the one that best fits your business.

Discover our web design packages

All of our packages include the bare bones of a website in order to grow your business firm. Our goal is to create the ultimate website suitable for our clients.

All our packages are build with  KAS  (CMS) 
Our framework gives you full control of your website’s content.

Discover our  web design packages


We have specialized in developing pure mobile sites, online mobile applications and responsive sites that will fit according to your needs.



Do you know how to become VIRAL? Get stats and boost your visibility, we manage your facebook page, twitter, analytics, and your site's SEO.



Our Framework and CMS (KAS) are tailored to each project allowing our clients to easily manage their websites without any previous experience.



Do you need to stay connected to your following but don't have the time to do it? Don't worry, we offer social media and email campaigns to help you keep in touch with your clients.

Our web packages

Lorem Ipsum dolor amet

Landing Package


Basic Website Package

1 page includes :

  • Banner
  • About page
  • Services page
  • Contact page

Domain Registration
Mail Server + Email accounts

More Info

Starter Package


Beginner Website Package

​2-3 pages includes :
  • Banner
  • About page
  • Features Page
  • Services page
  • Contact page

Domain Registration
Mail Server + Email accounts

More Info

Surfer Package


Standard website package

  • Banner
  • About page
  • Features page
  • Services page
  • Image per service and contact form per page
  • Contact page

Domain Registration
Mail Server + Email accounts

More Info

Blogger Package


Advanced website package

Unlimited pages includes :

  • Banner
  • About page
  • Features page
  • Services page
  • Image per service and contact form per page
  • Contact page
  • Blog page

Domain Registration
Mail Server + Email accounts

More Info

Shopper Package


Professional website package

Include same elements as blogger package +

  • Product categories and subcategories
  • Product page with different options*
  • Shopping cart & online payments with PayPal
  • Automatic Invoices
  • CRM & Sales manegement system

Domain Registration
Mail Server + Email accounts

More Info

Landing Package

Basic Website Package


Landing Package

1 page includes :

  • Banner
  • About page
  • Services page
  • Contact page

Cras sit amet pharetra nulla. In velit mi, mattis a nunc eget, porttitor tincidunt nibh. Quisque in orci non ligula pretium dignissim quis vel nibh. Sed tempus accumsan consectetur. Nullam luctus libero sed risus convallis feugiat. Fusce posuere, lorem eget bibendum posuere, quam nunc pulvinar eros, vitae gravida velit turpis eu purus. Maecenas in imperdiet neque. Maecenas varius in nunc ac porta. Donec varius ante lacinia vehicula varius. Pellentesque id tempus mauris, a condimentum quam.

Morbi nec elit diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse gravida malesuada nisi, ut molestie nulla laoreet a. 

  Website Samples

Request Sample
Landing Package

Starter Package

Beginner Website Package


Starter Package
​2-3 pages includes :
  • Banner
  • About page
  • Features Page
  • Services page
  • Contact page

Nunc sed mauris sit amet diam lobortis rutrum at sed justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc porta tempus ultricies.

  Website Samples

Request Sample
Starter Package

Surfer Package

Standard website package


Surfer Package
  • Banner
  • About page
  • Features page
  • Services page
  • Image per service and contact form per page
  • Contact page

Nulla erat dui, vehicula in aliquet vel, lobortis ac nibh. Praesent nec tristique quam. Proin at consequat odio. Nunc erat erat, gravida ut dolor sit amet, interdum hendrerit metus. Nunc sed mauris sit amet diam lobortis rutrum at sed justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc porta tempus ultricies.

  Website Samples

Request Sample
Surfer Package

Blogger Package

Advanced website package


Blogger Package

Unlimited pages includes :

  • Banner
  • About page
  • Features page
  • Services page
  • Image per service and contact form per page
  • Contact page
  • Blog page

Donec dictum sapien in venenatis viverra. Sed pharetra leo metus, at tincidunt est feugiat id. Praesent ex nisi, feugiat vitae urna a, iaculis facilisis enim. Maecenas posuere dui quis eleifend semper. In porta magna ut mi dignissim volutpat. Nam in justo elementum, congue dolor ac, rutrum ex. Nam bibendum purus non facilisis blandit. Etiam eu blandit justo.

Vestibulum volutpat tellus tortor, id auctor libero placerat vel. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque mattis justo odio, rhoncus rutrum felis vulputate vitae. 

Request Sample
Blogger Package

Shopper Package

Professional website package


Shopper Package

Include same elements as blogger package +

  • Product categories and subcategories
  • Product page with different options*
  • Shopping cart & online payments with PayPal
  • Automatic Invoices
  • CRM & Sales manegement system

Duis ipsum dui, facilisis luctus sapien eget, molestie interdum nisi. Proin faucibus, dui vitae ultrices vehicula, dui arcu consequat elit, non sollicitudin libero nunc eget ex. Vivamus sit amet ullamcorper mi. Nullam tristique efficitur gravida. Nunc blandit eget lacus luctus varius. Vivamus augue nibh, sodales non vehicula quis, ornare et mauris. Mauris feugiat est ut facilisis ullamcorper. Curabitur lobortis ligula rutrum turpis fringilla tristique. Aenean iaculis maximus dolor.

Nulla erat dui, vehicula in aliquet vel, lobortis ac nibh. Praesent nec tristique quam. Proin at consequat odio. Nunc erat erat, gravida ut dolor sit amet, interdum hendrerit metus. Nunc sed mauris sit amet diam lobortis rutrum at sed justo. 

  Website Samples

Request Sample
Shopper Package

Request Sample

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